Fred Piek Zanger van Folksongs


Ik heb de uitvoering van Robin and Berry Dransfields op hun LP “The Rout of the Blues” (1970) gebruikt en aangepast naar het oorspronkelijke verhaal waarin twee geliefden elkaar steeds een vrijwel onmogelijke opdracht geven. Pas wanneer zij deze succesvol uitvoeren, kunnen zij elkaar “eeuwige trouw” beloven.


Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Remember me to one who lives there
For once she was a true love of mine

Tell her to make me a cambric shirt
Without any seam nor needlework
And then she’ll be a true love of mine

Tell her to wash it in yonder dry well
Where water ne’er sprang nor drop of rain fell
And then she’ll be a true love of mine

Tell her to dry it upon yonder thorn
Which never bore blossom since Adam was born
And then she’ll be a true lover of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Remember me to one who lives there
For once she was a true love of mine

Tell him to buy me an acre of land
Between the salt water and the sea sand
And then he’ll be a true love of mine

Tell him to plough it with a lambs horn
And to sow it all over with one pepper corn
And then he’ll be a true lover of mine

And tell him to reap it with a sickle of leather
And to thrash it all out with a bunch of heather
And then he'll be a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Remember me to one who lives there
For once he was a true love of mine

Are you going to Scarborough Fair
Remember me to one who lives there
For once he was a true love of mine
For once she was a true love of mine
For once they were true lovers ...

Are you going to Scarborough Fair